Cateract Surgery is THE most frequently performed of all surgeries in America with more than two million of these procedures performed annually. ?For many years people have regarded Cateracts as a problem only found in grandparents. ??Today, with new, more refined surgical techniques, we are seeing more Cateract procedures performed at earlier stages.
Cateract is an ageing process occurring in the lens of the eye. ?The long-term affects of light exposure, protean changes and other normal impacts we inflict on our eyes over time eventually causes the lens of the eye to yellow and become cloudy. ?A person with Cateracts begins to notice decreased vision, muted colors, trouble seeing at night or bright sunlight, more frequent changes in eyewear prescriptions and halos and star-bursts around bright lights. ?A person may also notice double vision or trouble seeing out of one eye as opposed to the other.
While Cataracts tend to occur as we get older, they can also occur at younger ages where there is a family history of this problem, within persons who smoke or drink excessively, extensive UV exposure from sunlight, the disease of diabetes, as a result of trauma to the head or eye or as a long-term effect of certain medications such as steroids. ?A comprehensive dilated eye exam can provide early detection of this condition. ?As with any progressively worsening condition, it is important to monitor the deterioration of the lens and it?s interference with your daily activities. ?The decision to have Cataract Surgery is a personal decision one is to make on the basis of how much the visual deterioration impacts the activities of one?s daily life.