It is an unfortunate fact that most of us will develop various health problems as we get older. ?Most people will also begin to experience vision problems as they age. ?Usually, we often we begin to notice vision problems such as the need for more or better light to see things clearly or the need for reading glasses as we get older. ?Few people realize that many common health problems can show up and be seen within our eyes; sometimes before they are noticed or detected by other means. ?Among these common health problems would be diabetes, high cholesterol, thyroid problems or circulation difficulties such as high blood pressure. ??Even after these underlying health problems are detected and are being treated is it also possible, through our eyes, to detect side-effects of medications used to treat these health problems. ?Our eyes truly are windows to our over-all health.
It is appropriate for young people to have their eyes examined. ?In fact, all babies are screened in every hospital for birth defects affecting their eyes as part of normal new-born examinations. ?Children should have their eyes examined for visual acuity and alignment prior to starting school and many experts recommend annual eye exams until the age 19. ??Undetected visual problems in children can result in lasting problems or eventual loss of sight. ?Clearly, it is important for children to have regular eye exams.
For ages 20 to 40, it is recommended that eye exams be given every two or three years.
As with children, undetected or uncorrected eye conditions can result in lasting eye problems or eventual loss of sight. ?Dilated eye exams during these years can sometimes detect early signs of other health problems that may not yet be known by the patient (such as diabetes or hardening of the arteries).
Experts recommend that all persons be given a ?baseline? eye examination at the age of 40 and then be re-examined every two to four years until the age of 54. ?From 55 to 64 it is recommended that adults have their eyes examined every one to three years. ??Over the age of 65, it is recommended that Seniors have their eyes examined every one to two years. ?With eye problems becoming more common with age, there is good reason for having one?s eyes checked more often as we get older.
Various factors such as age, race, personal and family medical and vision history or previously detected eye problems can increase the recommendations for eye exam frequency.
A variety of problems arise in our eyes with age. ?As we age, our eyes become less moist and lubricated with fewer tears. ?Circulation changes within the eye. ?Hooding and draping of eyelid skins can occur. ??Reading vision becomes more difficult for most. ?Cataracts (yellowing or cloudiness of the eye lens) frequently develops. ?Glaucoma (damage to the optic nerve) becomes more prevalent. ?Macular Degeneration (retinal deterioration) affects the central vision. ?Floaters (vitreal degeneration) sometimes begin to appear.
Many of these problems can be successfully treated; particularly where there is early diagnosis. ?It is important for people to have their eyes checked more often as they get older. ?It is also important for adults to regularly exercise, eat nutritional foods and take daily vitamin supplements as they get older.
Advanced Eye provides skilled and experienced eye specialists and the latest in modern technology for comprehensive eye examinations as well as the medical experience necessary to detect and treat a wide range of eye problems.